Manage Your Familys Gift Lists

Add Gifts
Add the gifts you want to your list. Prioritize them from your more desired gift to the least. Dont forget to include links.
Buy Gifts
Search your family members lists. Find that perfect gift. Have the confidence that it is something they want.

The Latest from Santa

It’s Been a While…
It’s Been a While…
No news is good news, right? Well, maybe not. But fear not, after a minor 5 year absense, there are a couple quick updates! Welcome the Brown fam...
Two Updates to be Thankful For
You ask, Santa delivers! No more removing and adding gifts because you made a typo, because you can now edit your gifts. Just click the Edit butt...
Welcome to Gift Lists!
We're thrilled to launch the new and improved gift lists. This update brings many great enhancements like: Gift Prioritization Multi-Family se...